Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy 2nd Blogiversary!

Happy birthday to you....
Happy birthday to you....
Happy birthday dear liveloveatrepeat...
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Two years and almost 40 posts later, life has changed quite a bit, with some good and some bad, but always for the better.  I hope that as I come to my third year of this blog, that I have posted much more often than I have not, and have inspired another person to get in the kitchen and cook with love, and find the happiness in it that I do.

A special thank you to everyone who takes the time to read through my ramblings that are made special with my inept writing skills and run on sentences, and to those of you who actually make the recipes I post.  I get such happy feelings inside when someone tells me that they actually made something I posted!  I hope that feeling never goes away nor the people who make this blog worth it.

I just want to say that in the taking of the celebratory mini birthday cake photo, I singed off some of my precious hair as I leaned over the candle, like an idiot, to move something out of the shot.  I went to bed with the smell of burned hair and cake. Most importantly though, no cake was harmed in the taking of this picture. Again, just my hair.

Love, Irene.